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Helga Jensen has three books currently available and a forth coming very soon. Below you will find more infomation about each one. To purchase any of the works listed- please use the amazon link provided on the Link tab, or visit the E-Shop!

Twice in a Lifetime

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  • Amelia might have met The One. But is she twenty years too late?

    Scandinavian Summer

    After the tragic, premature death of her husband Anthony, Martha has spent all her time focused on her teenage daughter Rosie in their small Welsh village.

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  • Fly Me to Paris

    Penny is not living her best life.

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  • More about Helga

    Helga, who lived in the Middle East for much of her life, continues to work as a freelance journalist when not writing books. A former airline stewardess, she now has her feet firmly on the ground and lives with her wonderful family, including a crazy Labradoodle who never stops making her laugh..


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